Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Brief and to the Point

A flying visit today, simply to report that the back of the Mohair Cardi is now complete - always read the pattern, kids, you don't want to be ripping back six rows of mohair. I managed to salvage everything (after much swearing and pleading with the yarn), and the back is complete and done. I am casting on the right front today (it's half the number of stitches for the back, so I'm guessing I will probably be halfway through it by the end of today).

Also managed about another inch on the sock last night - slow progress, but this still remains the fastest sock I've ever knitted.

I'm suffering with some sort of illness at the moment, which apparently involves not feeling bad enough to take to my bed, but coughing like a walrus and feeling all round shabby. Progress is therefore slow - but there will be pictures as soon as I can be bothered.

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